понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

arthur car new port

Damn...only been out for 5 days and iapos;m already missing port. I work during the day now and so i get to see more people, but iapos;m not used to it in anyway whatsoever. I miss my nights, they just seemed to go faster. Still going to the barracks bash when I pull in, thats not even a question or doubt in my mind. I just hope I�can keep my good attitude while iapos;m there, considering iapos;m only going to know one person there, at best. Anyway, have fun dweebs.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

capital district ny yellow pages

This has become my rant blog.

Iapos;ve deleted all my entries in an attempt to start over. It was never really my intention to make it such but there is this need to write somewhere. Only� a couple of friends know this blog so it was convenient to write it here. But then, I came to the realization that it was not the right thing to do--to expose your laundry (dirty or otherwise) in a public domain.


Hereapos;s to starting over.

bas noirs, capital district ny yellow pages.

celtic symbol for earth

So Iapos;ve decided Iapos;m going to talk about Rascal Flatts :)Ahh exciting

Let me start off by saying Rascal Flatts "My Wish" song is so inspiring. If you havenapos;t listened to it, I suggest you do. Whenever Iapos;m having a bad day, I put on that song. I think it sends people a good message. And I think that message is, that you need to cherish your life. And not take little things for granted. To know that people love you, not matter what your doing or where you are, someone�will always�loves you. That you would give more things then things you take. That itapos;s your life, live it the way you want it, not how other people want you too. Oh man, I�love them. Can you not see now why I think they are so wonderful? All there songs have meaning too it, the meaning may be different to other people, but thereapos;s always a message. And thatapos;s why I love there music as much as I do.

I actually went to there "Still Feels Good Tour" this year, on April 10th to be exact And it was the most amazing concert Iapos;ve ever been too. Even thought I was on the right side of them,�5th row to the the back, it was still worth going. They are great live I definitely reccomend going and seeing them in concert. Or, just listen to there music You will not regret it.
Country music was never really my thing, but as soon as I�listened to Rascal Flatts I got into it. COUNTRY�MUSIC�IS�NOT�AS�BAD�AS�EVERYONE�SAYS�IT�IS I mean, I cannot stand the whole hillbilly, banjo, honkytonk type country. But Iapos;m talking about the Pop-Country type stuff... If thatapos;s even a real genre. But thatapos;s practically what they are.

Ugh, I hope Iapos;ve convinced at least one person reading this to listen to Rascal Flatts :)
Well, thatapos;s the end of my long rant.
Au revoir

"All sheapos;s ever felt is held back, she says "Itapos;s kind of nice to hear myself laugh". Sheapos;s gonna do a lot more of that, sheapos;s making plans and making tracks. She said "Oh, oh Iapos;ve gotta go and find me." Oh, oh she found the strength to break free Like a painted wild mustang, flying out across the open range, finally gets to live her life that way. No fear, no fences, nobody - no reins." - Rascal Flatts

bas payments, celtic symbol for earth, celtic symbol for family, celtic symbol for father, celtic symbol for fertility.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cube lucite

So here we are, with the first Arbitrium blog. �It will not be especially epic, but here is what we have thus far: we intend to make an opener, the name of which is yet to be announced.� This opener will be designed to promote Belegarth awareness and encourage current participants to be more involved in the present sport-helping endeavors.�

The first significant blog will occurs after our practice after this one. �Such will include the general on-campus support for such an effort, and thereafter, the number of individuals and progress we have made for the event.

Right now, we intend the event to occur sometime next semester (as such things need multiple months to properly garner fruition), but there is a possibility that it could occur this semester.� WE�SHALL�SEE>
cube lucite, cube ludacris oprah, cube m.

address by email find name someones



Er, hi new friendly people Iapos;ll make a properly informative introductory post in a day or two. Iapos;m a little busy with the flailing right now.


Notice how I donapos;t say apos;my dogapos;? She is not in fact my dog. Sheapos;s the family dog. And yet, when she gets fleas (OMG DO NOT WANT) I am always, always the first to notice, because unlike the rest of the family, my unique chemical odour leads any fleas to believe that Iapos;m an ambulatory all-you-can-eat buffet. In practical terms, this means that when our dog has fleas, I can has them also.



Fortunately theyapos;re just dog fleas - pet-based fleas canapos;t live on human blood for long, just as people canapos;t survive indefinitely on a diet of fast food only. (Can you tell Iapos;ve had this problem before?) Unfortunately, two have landed on my keyboard as I type this (no, idk how my laptop is still intact either :( ) which means the dogapos;s infested.


Also, fleas bite. The stingapos;s quite impressive for such little buggers, the bites itch like hell for days because Iapos;m heavily allergic, and Iapos;m only going to get more bites until the fuckers die and fall off in a day or two.

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